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What Is Performance Marketing? Your Beginner’s Guide


What Is Performance Marketing? Your Beginner’s Guide

You’ve likely heard the term “performance marketing” before, but what is it, really? In short, performance marketing is a type of marketing that is focused on delivering results. This could mean generating leads, making sales, or achieving some other desired outcome.

The key difference between performance marketing and other types of marketing is with performance marketing, you only pay for results. This means that if your performance marketing campaign doesn’t deliver the results you want, you don’t have to pay anything. Contrast this with traditional forms of advertising like print, radio, or TV. Whereas, you have to pay whether or not your ad actually generates any results.

Types of Performance Marketing

There are many different types of performance marketing, but some of the most common include:

Affiliate marketing: With affiliate marketing, you pay commissions to people who promote your products or services. For example, if you have an e-commerce store selling products you could pay a commission to bloggers or influencers who promote your products on their website or social media channels.

Pay-per-click advertising: Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a type of online advertising where you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. Google Ads is the most well-known form of PPC advertising.

Cost-per-acquisition (CPA) advertising: CPA advertising is similar to PPC advertising in that you only pay when someone takes a desired action. However, with CPA advertising, the desired action could range from making a purchase to subscribing to a newsletter.

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Benefits of Performance Marketing

There are many benefits of performance marketing over traditional forms of marketing, including:

You only pay for results: As we mentioned before, one of the biggest benefits of performance marketing is that you only pay when your campaign actually delivers results. This makes performance marketing much more cost-effective than traditional forms of advertising like print or TV ads where you have to pay regardless of whether or not your ad performs well.

You can track results: With performance marketing, it’s easy to track your results. This makes it simple to see exactly how well your campaign is performing. This allows you to make necessary adjustments on the fly so that you can optimize your campaign for better results. Traditional forms of marketing are much more difficult to track. As a result, they often provide very little data beyond basic measures like reach and frequency.

You can target specific audiences: With performance marketing campaigns like PPC and CPA ads, you can target specific audiences with laser precision. This ensures that your ad is being seen by people who are most likely to be interested in what you’re selling. Ultimately resulting in a higher conversion rate. Traditional forms of advertising like TV and radio ads have much more limited targeting options.

Disadvantages Of Performance Marketing

Though there are many benefits to performance marketing, it’s important to also note the disadvantages of performance marketing. This includes:

Can be costly: Performance marketing can be a very costly way to advertise. As businesses are typically charged based on the number of clicks or conversions that their ads generate. This means that if a business’s ads are not generating a lot of clicks or conversions, they will end up spending a lot of money with little to show for it.

Can be overly sales driven: Because performance marketing is all about generating clicks and conversions, it can sometimes be overly focused on sales. This can lead to ads that are excessively sales-oriented and fail to deliver an effective message to the target audience.

Requires constant testing: Because of the difficulty in measuring results, businesses that use performance marketing need to constantly test different variables. This will help determine what works best for them. This can be a time-consuming and expensive process, as businesses need to continuously create new ads and track their results.

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Bottom Line

Performance marketing is a type of marketing that delivers results by focusing on conversions. The main benefit of performance marketing is that it’s much more cost-effective than traditional forms of advertising. This is because you only have to pay when your campaign delivers results.

Additionally, performance marketing campaigns are easy to track and provide detailed data. Meaning, so you can optimize your campaign for better results. If you’re looking for a more effective way to market your business, performance marketing should potentially be taken into consideration.

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Josh Dylan is a California-based digital marketing and SEO expert. He grew up in Southern California before attending school nearby. Over his tenure in the marketing industry, J has led SEO-content strategy for multiple sites with millions of UVPM. In addition, J holds extensive experience in both in-house marketing teams and the agency side. With a specialty in search-engine optimization, and a strong knowledge of PPC/SEM, content, analytics, and more, J. Dylan is an all-around expert in all things digital marketing and regularly contributes to industry-leading platforms. As the owner of Something Incorporated (, Josh continues to use his industry expertise to guide small and medium-sized businesses’ marketing strategies.

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