So you want to gain more Instagram likes? In order for likes to serve their purpose and help you gather more views and followers, you first need to make sure they’re authentic.

Let’s begin with the “don’ts.”

  • Don’t pay for Instagram likes. You’re paying for robots, not people.
  • Don’t download an Instagram likes app. Think of them as factories for likes. The quality is going to suffer.
  • Don’t go on a “like and follow” spree on other Instagram accounts. You’re basically spamming accounts that are likely not relevant enough to you. This doesn’t benefit anyone.

Now that those are out of the way, let’s get to the good stuff.

1. Get more Instagram followers.

This is probably the most obvious step, but also the one that requires the most effort. The more real followers you have, the more likes you can expect to gain.

2. Tag everything!

Tag your location. Tag the hotel that you’re staying at. Tag your masseuse.  Tag Instagram accounts that share similar interests. Tag people that may have recommended a place or service to you. More tags lead to more views and eventually more likes!

3. Be thoughtful with your captions.

Whether you like writing funny Instagram captions or informative marketing quotes, always make sure to be clever. A good Instagram caption will strengthen your post and gather more likes.

4. Be your own photo editor.

Gorgeous pictures get more likes. With countless free photo editors available at the tip of your fingers, it’s easier than ever to embellish your images and captivate your followers. Make the urge to double-tap irresistible!

5. Bond with your Instagram community.

By now, you should have at least a small list of accounts that you follow who share the same interests as you. Don’t just watch them from the sidelines, connect with them! Like and comment on their posts, repost them on your Instagram stories or even DM them and start a conversation. Once you’ve built your Instagram community, they will naturally gravitate towards your posts and like them.

6. Host a contest or offer a giveaway.

Contests and giveaways are a great way to get likes because you can make them a requirement! People love free products and services, and if all it takes is for them to like your posts, repost your post and mention you, you’ll find yourself receiving likes from both your followers and their followers.

7. Encourage comments.

Starting a conversation by asking your followers for their opinion is another great way to indirectly urge them and their followers to like and comment on your posts. Make sure the question is fun, attractive or juicy, this way the discussion ensures a high rate of interaction.

8. Post regularly.

This cannot be stressed enough – consistency is key! Likes are not just about people liking a particular post, they need to like your account as a whole! Think about it: how often do you log onto Instagram? How much time do you spend browsing and double-tapping every week? Every day? In many ways, the accounts you follow are a big part of your life. Make sure that, in return, you’re frequently contributing to your followers’ lives with interesting, positive or informative posts. Your increased “likability” will be projected into your “likes.”

9. Take advantage of Instagram Live.

Speaking of likeability and interacting with your followers, how often do you go live on your Instagram? Whatever your frequency rate is, step it up! Instagram Live is the easiest way to gain likability and connect with your audience by presenting yourself in your purest form. Show your audience what you’re up to, include them in your outing and try your best to respond to their live comments and questions. Real people will give real likes to the real you.

Garnering more real likes is all about balancing a slightly curated presence to capture users’ attention, then ensuring their loyalty with authentic human elements. With these simple, calculated actions, you’re sure to increase your likes and get the positive attention you are seeking on your Instagram posts.